Page:Rocking of the cradle, or, Hushy-ba baby.pdf/6

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The daughters they all ran nimbly in,
and over their dad they did founder;
Who cry'd out aloud, Mercy good gentlemen,
and thought they were thieves come to plunder.

The noise by this time the neighbourhood hears,
who came with long clubs to assist him;
He said, Three bloody rogues ran up my stairs,
I dare by no means to resist them.

For they all three were well clothed in buff,
he saw as they shov'd in their shoulders,
And black bandiliers hung before like a ruff,
which made me believe they were soldiers.

The virgins their clothes in the garden had left,
and keys of their trunks in their pockets;
To roll them in sheets, were fain to make shift,
their chests they could not.get unlockst.

At last ventur'd up these valiant young men,
tho' armed with courage undaunted;
But took them for spirits, and ran back again,
and swore that the house it was haunted.

As they retreated, the young man they met,
come shivering in at the door, Sir,
Who look'd like a rat, his clothes dripping wet,
no rogue that was pump'd could look worse, Sir.

They all were amaz'd to see him come in,
and asked him what was the matter?
He told them the story and where he had been,
which made them to burst into laughter.