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Page:Rolland - Beethoven, tr. Hull, 1927.pdf/143

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subject is much firmer and the subjects themselves are more striking.

\new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff {
\key d \major
       \tempo "Allegro con brio"
         \acciaccatura s8 d'8 \fp d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8
        \bar ".|:"
        d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 |
        d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8
\new Staff {
        \clef bass 
        \key d \major
        \acciaccatura d,8 (d2.) d16 (cis16 d16 e16)
        \bar ".|:"
        fis2. fis16 (e16 fis16 g16) |
        a4 \staccato a4 \staccato fis4 \staccato fis4 \staccato 

The Larghetto is full of lovely curves,

\new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff {
        \tempo Larghetto
        \clef violin
        \key a \major
        \time 3/8
        <cis' e'>8 \p
        (<e' a'>8
        <e'~ gis' b'>8)
        << <a' cis''>4. {e'4 r8}>>
         \new Voice { \voiceOne \trill cis''8 e''16. d''32 cis''8 }
         \new Voice { \voiceTwo r8 b' cis''8 }
        <gis' b'>4.
\new Staff {
        \clef bass
        \key a \major
        \time 3/8
                \new Voice { \voiceOne [a8 cis'8 r8]}
                \new Voice { \voiceTwo a4.}
        a8 (cis'8 e'8)
        a'8 (gis'8 a'8)
        e'8 (dis'8 d'8)

and there is some charming conversational work between the wood-wind instruments . The horn passage is the precursor of many fine symphony subjects of a martial nature for the horns.

Whilst the chromatic harmony is purely Mozartian , the Scherzo is a genuine Beethovenian outburst, full of verve and piquant in touch.

\new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff {
        \tempo Allegro 
        \clef violin
        \key d \major
        \time 3/4
        fis''4 \staccato 
        g''4 \staccato
        { <d' e'>2.} \f {b2 r4}
        g''4 \p a''4 b''4
        r2. |
\new Staff {
        \clef bass
        \key d \major
        \time 3/4
        < d, \staccato d>4
        < e, \staccato e>4
        < fis, \staccato fis>4
        r2. |
        < g, \staccato g>4
        < a, \staccato a>4
        < b, \staccato b>4
        r2. |
        < a e'>4
        < d' \staccato fis'>4
        < e' \staccato g'>4

There is a feeling of broadness about the brilliant and energetic Finale which is absent from the Finale of the First Symphony.