Page:Roman Constitutional History, 753-44 B.C..djvu/307

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RoiHd 293 tzflmnM Rome (continued ) . leagae with Latins and Hernid, 93-91; conquest of Italy, 98-99; policy of, 100-101; in 241 B.C., 100-110. Rnfns, Publios Solpicios, 186, 188; laws of, 193-194; death, 194-190. Sardinia and Corsica, annexed, 110. Satnminns, Lucius Appuleins, com- bines with Biarius, 182-183; laws of, 183-184, 185. secession, the first, 42; the second, 54; third, 83. senate, the royal, origin, 12; mem- bership, 13 ; procedure, 13; powers, 13-14 ; the republican, membership, 33; number, 33; patrician section of, 33; influence, 33-35; approval of plebiscites, 57, see Patrum auo- toritas; and consular tribunate, 61 ; SODS of freedmen admitted by Appius, 78, 80 ; exercises a suspen- sive yeto, 84; influence of, 91-92; senatorial government, 92 ; opposes Flaminius, 113 ; leadership in first Punic war, 106-108 ; in the second, 123-124; its zenith of power, 125; confers quasi-dictatorial authority, 126, see Senatus eonsultum ulti- mum ; membership of (2d century B.C.), 136-137; functions, 137-138; degeneracy, 138-139; senatorial goverument, ' 139; safeguards against the magistrates, 139-140; against the assemblies, 140-141 ; ad- mission of three hundred new mem- bers, 170, 187, 196, 201 ; a political tool, 197 ; membership under Sulla, 201 ; admission to, 201-202 ; powers and influence, 202; confers procon- sular authority on Pompeius, 215 ; power of granting dispensations, 217-218; confers imperium in- finitum ^ 218; its proceedings pub- lished. 236; ignored by Caesar in legislation, 236; membership un- der Caesar, 265, 271 ; power and senate {continued). influence, 272 ; nnmber increased to six hundred, 201 ; to nine hundred, 271 ; see Senator. senator, first, 33, 86, 182, 136, 159, 178,(/.267; patrician senators, 33; senators vote in the equestrian cen- turies, 104 ; senators and sous, sea- going vessels of, 11&-116; special appointment of, 125-126 ; privileges of, 103-104, 137 ; excluded from the equestrian centuries, 166-167; as Jurors, 146, 170, 178-179, 191-192, 197, 202, 216 ; debts of, 19^194. senatus eonsultum nltimum, 126, q^. 125; 169, 175, 185, 229-230; usage and validity of. 231 . 233. 248. 258. 265. Sicily, province of, 110, 149-150. Sulla, Lucius Cornelius, 180; consul, 193; marches against Rome, 194- 195 ; laws of, 195 ; conquers Italy, 198; nature of his dictatorship, 198-199; proscriptions and confis- cations by, 199-200 ; laws in regard to citizenship, 200; assemblies, 200-201; senate, 201-202; tribunes, 202; qualifications for office, 203; consuls and praetors, 203; provin- cial government, 204; censorship, 204-205; priestly colleges, 200; judiciary, 205-206; military colo- nies of, 206; municipal govern- ment, 206-207; finances. 207-206; reestablishes constitutional gov- ernment, 208 ; observations on his constitution and work, 208-210. tresviii capitales or noctunii, 83; epulonee^ elected, 180. tribunate, the consular, powers add privileges of, 60-61; elections to, 64 ; abolished, 66, 67. tribunes, military, election of, 70, 77,127. the plebeian, number and term of, 42-43, 50; intercession of, 43; jurisdiction, 43-44; powers, 44, 56 ; means of coercion, 44-45 ;