"Where you going?" he asked.
"Who—hoo-hoo? Who—who—who?" the six girls cheeped out.
"All six of you and your balloons, where you going?"
"Oh, hoo-hoo-hoo, back where we came from," and they all turned their heads back and forth and sideways, which of course turned all the balloons back and forth and sideways because the balloons were fastened to the fine braids of hair which were fastened to their heads.
"And where do you go when you get back where you came from?" he asked just to be asking.
"Oh, hoo-hoo-hoo, then we start out and go straight ahead and see what we can see," they all answered just to be answering and they dipped their heads and swung them up which of course dipped all the balloons and swung them up.
So they talked, he asking just to be asking