a deft snatch at the little ticket in Granillo’s waistcoat pocket. Granillo turns his head back in time to see Rupert holding his hand behind his back rather awkwardly. But Rupert puts his hand in his pocket in quite an easy fashion, and Granillo passes it over. But there has been a queer little pause.
Granillo (looking into fireplace again). Yes, it is coming down, isn’t it?
Rupert (spotting book on mantelpiece and reaching for it). What have we here? . . . Ah-ha! . . . Conrad. Dear me. . . . Dear me. . . . (Turns pages interestedly.)
[The gramophone has started again. Suddenly the door across the passage opens and the sound of it comes loudly through. Also laughter and voices. Then the voice of Brandon.
Brandon (off). Granno! You’re wanted!
Granillo. Hullo!
Brandon. Granno! You’re wanted!
Granillo. Coming! (To Rupert) Coming along?
Rupert. No, I’m all right. [Granillo exits.
Rupert, left alone, goes on reading book for a little. Then, still standing and holding book, he fishes in his left-hand pocket for spectacle case. Is taking spectacles out and looking at book at the same time. Then he strolls towards armchair. He sits down, adjusts spectacles on face, still reading; puts case absently on table, and fishes in other pocket for blue ticket. He holds this out, straightening it on his knee as he goes on reading. Then he closes book with one hand, places it on table, leans back and gives his whole attention to ticket. Turns it over each side. Then he screws it up in his hand, which he drops over side of armchair, and looks thoughtfully—not suspiciously—ahead of him. The noise of the gramophone comes through from the other room. He stays like this for nearly half a minute. Then he takes up book again and is just about to read when Sabot enters.
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