Page:Rosanna (1).pdf/8

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If any one did crop that rose,
In a moment it would grow again;
This thing was blaz'd the country round,
And thousands went the same to see.

He amongst the rest must curious be,
To go and see if it was true,
And when unto the place he came,
The beauteous rose he saw in bloom.

The leaves did fall from off the bush,
The rose within his hand did die;
He cried, 'tis fair Rosanna's blood,
That did spring from her fair body.

Many people that were there,
Took notice of what he did say,
They told he had some murder done,
He the truth confess'd without delay.

They dug and found the body there,
The first of April it was known,
He was seiz'd and carried off to jail,
And shortly after suffer'd his doom.