Page:Rosemary and Pansies.djvu/108

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The Truth of Truths perchance man ne'er may know,
Yet he the search for it may not forego:
'Tis good to climb the mountain's craggy side,
Though we reach not its pinnacle of snow.

Falsehood's a harlot with seductive smile,
Practised in every loose and wanton wile;
To every temper she doth suit herself
By flattery, cajolery, or guile:

But Truth all art or artifice disdains,
No painting uses, no false beauty feigns;
Cares not though men regardless pass her by,
And all-sufficient to herself remains.

Though she may seem to wear a frowning face,
Shrink not, but dare approach her and embrace,
And then her veil falls off and you behold
Imperial beauty and celestial grace.