Page:Rosemary and Pansies.djvu/146

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DECEMBER 31, 1900

The century that began with blood and tears,
'Mid blood and tears and vague unrest goes out
Is it towards the rocks the good ship steers?
Men ask each other with a troubled doubt.
Is Britain's star declining in the sky.
By younger rivals driven from her sphere?
Are we among the nations doomed to die?
Must we the fate of Rome and Venice fear?

Let the new century answer; and meanwhile
Let us resolve that, be it as it may,
Ere foemen can shout Victory! o'er our isle,
They too shall fall death-stricken in the fray:
If Britain falls she falleth Samson-like,
And ere she fall a mortal blow shall strike.


With gay assurance he will undertake
To prove all's right in heaven and on earth,
That no such thing as evil e'er had birth.
Or if it had 'twas born for goodness' sake:
He'll bring a godless nation back to God,
The devil too he'll rehabilitate,
And either at your choice will vindicate
With logic much like Gilbert's and as odd:
Questions of fate, necessity, free-will.
He settles easily as A B C;
Of every mystery he holds the key;
A nostrum he can find for every ill:
But while he thus deals out his meal of chaff
How welcome were a Rabelaisian laugh!