Page:Roster of General Officers (1872) by Charles C Jones Jr.djvu/12

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 Hon. Robert Toombs, Georgia, First Secretary of State; subsequently entered the Confederate army with the rank of Brigadier-General; also a Delegate to Provisional Congress.
 Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, Virginia, succeeded General Toombs as Secretary of State; Delegate to Provisional Congress and Confederate Senator from Virginia.
 Hon. Judah P. Benjamin, Louisiana, succeeded Mr. Hunter as Secretary of State.


 Hon. Judah P. Benjamin, Louisiana, first Attorney General.
 Hon. Thomas Bragg, North Carolina, second Attorney General.
 Hon. T. H. Watts, Alabama, third Attorney-General; subsequently elected Governor of Alabama.
 Hon. George Davis, North Carolina, fourth Attorney-General; Delegate to Provisional Congress, Senator from North Carolina, &c.
 Hon. Wade Keys, Assistant Attorney-General.


 Hon. Charles G. Memminger, South Carolina, first Secretary of the Treasury.
 Hon. George A. Trenholm, South Carolina, second Secretary of the Treasury.
 Hon. E. C. Elmore, Alabama, Treasurer.
 Hon. Philip Clayton, Georgia, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
 Lewis Cruger, South Carolina, Comptroller and Solicitor.
 Bolling Baker, Georgia, First Auditor.
 Robert Tyler, Virginia, Register.


 Hon. Leroy P. Walker, Alabama, first Secretary of War; afterwards entered the army with the rank of Brigadier-General.
 Hon. Judah P. Benjamin, Louisiana, second Secretary of War; also Secretary of State and Attorney-General.
 Hon. George W. Randolph, Virginia, third Secretary of War; at one time in the army with the rank of Brigadier-General.
 Hon. James A. Seddon, Virginia, fourth Secretary of War; Delegate from Virginia to Provisional Congress.
 Major-General John C. Breckinridge, Kentucky, fifth Secretary of War; summoned from the field [where he was serving with the rank and command of a Major-General] to discharge the duties of this office.