Page:Roster of General Officers (1872) by Charles C Jones Jr.djvu/29

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  Name. State. To Whom to Report. Appoint. Rank. Confirm. Accept.
42 Blanchard, A. G. Louisiana Gen. Huger Sept. 21, 1861. Sept. 21, 1861. Dec. 13, 1861.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 3d, 4th and 22d Georgia regiments, the 3d Alabama regiment, 3d Louisiana battalion and Colonel Williams' North Carolina battalion, Girardey's Louisiana Guard artillery, Grimes' Portsmouth artillery, and the Sussex cavalry.
43 Boggs, William R. Georgia Lt. Gen. E. K. Smith Nov.   4, 1862. Apl. 22, 1863. Oct. 13, 1862.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Chief of Staff to General E. Klrby Smith, commanding Trans-Mississippi Department.
44 Bonham, M. L. S. Carolina Gen. Beauregard Apl. 23, 1861. Apl. 23, 1861. Apl. 29, 1861.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Resigned; reappointed October 21, 1861; brigade at first composed of the 7th, 2d, 3d and 8th South Carolina Volunteers, infantry, constituting First brigade, First corps, Army of the Potomac; upon reappointment, ordered to the command of the 1st, 2d and 3d regiments South Carolina cavalry and Lieutenant-Colonel Trenholm's battalion South Carolina cavalry.
45 Bowen, John S. Missouri Gen. Beauregard Mch. 18, 1862. Mch. 14, 1862. Mch. 18, 1862.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General May 25, 1863; commanding 14th, 16th, 17th and 18th Arkansas regiments, Adams' Arkansas infantry regiment, and Jones' Arkansas infantry battalion; assigned, in 1861, to the command of the 4th division, Western Department, embracing the brigades of Martin and Bonham; again in command of the 3d brigade, 1st division, Army of the District of Mississippi.
46 Bowles, Pinckney D. Alabama Brig. Gen. Walker Apl.   2, 1865. April 2, 1865.  . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 21st Virginia battalion, the 2d and 6th Virginia reserves, and the 1st and 2d Confederate [mixed] regiments, Walker's division.
47 Bragg, Braxton Louisiana Commanding at
Pensacola, Fla.
Mch.   7, 1861. Mch.   7, 1861. Mch.   7, 1861.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General September 12, 1861; assigned to command at Pensacola, Florida, of the troops there assembled, consisting of the brigades of Colonels Chalmers, Clayton and Gladden, and the troops under Major Bradford.
48 Branch, L. O. B. N. Carolina Lt. Gen. A. P. Hill Nov. 16, 1861. Nov. 16, 1861. Dec. 13, 1861.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Killed at Sharpsburg; brigade composed of the 7th, 18th, 28th, 33d and 37th North Carolina regiments, A. P. Hill's division, Army of Northern Virginia.
49 Brandon, Wm. L. Mississippi Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill June 18, 1864. June 18, 1864.  . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Assigned to the command of a brigade of cavalry in Mississippi.
50 Brantly, W. F. Mississippi Gen J. B. Hood July 26, 1864. July 26, 1864.  . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 24th, 27th, 29th, 30th and 34th Mississippi regiments.
51 Bratton, John S. Carolina Gen. R. E. Lee June  9, 1864. May   6, 1864. June  9, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 1st regiment South Carolina Volunteers [Hagood's], the 2d regiment South Carolina Rifles, the 5th and 6th regiments South Carolina Volunteers, and the Palmetto sharpshooters, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern. Virginia.
52 Breckinridge, John C. Kentucky Gen. A. S. Johnston Nov.   2, 1861. Nov.   2, 1861. Dec. 13, ;1861.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General April 14, 1862; afterwards Secretary of War.
53 Brent, Joseph L. Louisiana Lt. Gen. S. B. Buckner October, 1864. October, 1864.  . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 2d, 5th, 7th and 8th regiments Louisiana cavalry, Bagby's division, Army of West Louisiana, Lieutenant-General Buckner commanding.
54 Brown, John C. Tennessee Gen. B. Bragg Sept. 30, 1862. Aug. 30, 1862. Sept. 30, 1862.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General August 4, 1864; brigade composed of the 18th, 26th, 32d and 45th regiments Tennessee infantry and Nemman's battalion Tennessee infantry, Stewart's division, Army of Tennessee; to these the 3d regiment Tennessee infantry was subsequently added.
55 Browne, Wm. M.  . . . . .  Gen. A. R. Wright Dec'r, 1864. Dec'r, 1864.  . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Commanding brigade under General H. W. Mercer at the siege of Savannah, in December, 1864; served previously as A. D. C. to President Davis, with rank of Colonel.
56 Bryan, Goode Georgia Gen. R. E. Lee Aug. 31, 1863. Aug. 29, 1863. Feb. 17, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 53d, 55th, 50th and 10th Georgia regiments infantry, McLaw's division, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
57 Buckner, Simon B. Kentucky Gen. A. S. Johnston Sept. 14, 1861. Sept. 14, 1861. Dec. 13, 1861.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General August 16, 1862; commanding division at Bowling Green, Kentucky, and subsequently at Fort Donelson.