Page:Roster of General Officers (1872) by Charles C Jones Jr.djvu/42

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  Name. State. To Whom to Report. Appoint. Rank. Confirm. Accept.
204 Hodge, George B. Kentucky  . . . . .  Nov. 21, 1863. Nov. 20, 1863.  . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 1st, 2d and 3d battalions Kentucky cavalry, the 27th Virginia Partisan Rangers and Lieutenant Logan's section of Light artillery; at one time in command of the District of "South Mississippi and East Louisiana."
205 Hogg, Joseph L. Texas Maj. Gen. S. Price Feb. 14, 1862. Feb. 14, 1862. Feb. 14, 1862.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Died May 16, 1862; brigade composed of 10th, 11th and Major Crump's regiments Texas dismounted cavalry, Major McCray's battalion Arkansas infantry, and Captain Goode's Light Battery, constituting 1st brigade, 2d division, Army of the West.
206 Hoke, Robert F. N. Carolina Gen. R. E. Lee Apl. 23, 1863. Jan. 17, 1863. Apl. 13, 1863.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General April 20, 1864; commanded District of North Carolina; at one time in command of brigade composed of the 6th, 21st, 24th and 57th North Carolina regiments and the 1st North Carolina battalion, Early's division, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
207 Hoke, W. I. N. Carolina Gen. B. Bragg  . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Acting Brigadier-General and in command of post at Charlotte, North Carolina.
208 Holmes, Theop. H. N. Carolina  . . . . .  June  5, 1861. June  5, 1861. Aug. 29, 1861.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General October 7, 1861; commanding brigade, Army of the Potomac.
209 Holtsclaw, J. T. Alabama Gen. J. E. Johnston July  8, 1864. July  7, 1864.  . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 18th, 36th and 38th, and the 32d and 58th (consolidated) Alabama regiments; subsequently the 21st Alabama regiment and Major Williams' battalion (the Pelham Cadets) were added.
210 Hood, John B. Texas Gen. T. H. Holmes March 6, 1862. March 3, 1862. Mch.   6, 1862.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General October 10, 1862; commanding Texas brigade, Longstreet's division, Army of Northern Virginia, composed of the 1st, 4th and 5th Texas and the 18th Georgia regiments and the Hampton Legion.
211 Huger, Benjamin S. Carolina  . . . . .  June 17, 1861. June 17, 1861. Aug. 29, 1861.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General October 7, 1861; assigned to command at Norfolk, Virginia, and of the forces concentrated in that vicinity.
212 Humes, W. Y. C. Tennessee Gen. B. Bragg Nov. 17, 1863. Nov. 16, 1863. May  25, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General 1865; commanding brigade in General Wheeler's cavalry; subsequently in command of a division in Wheeler's cavalry corps, composed of the brigades of Ashby, Harrison and Williams.
213 Humphries, B. G. Mississippi Gen. R. E. Lee Aug. 14, 1863. Aug. 12, 1863. Jan. 25, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 21st, 13th, 17th and 18th Mississippi regiments, McLaws' division, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
214 Hunton, Eppa Virginia Gen. R. E. Lee Aug. 12, 1863. Aug.   9, 1863. Feb.     , 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 8th, 18th, 19th, 28th and 56th Virginia regiments, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
215 Imboden, J. D. Virginia  . . . . .  Apl. 13, 1863. Jan. 28, 1863. Apl. 13, 1863.  . . . . . 
Remarks: In command of the "Valley District," Virginia; brigade composed of the 18th, 23d and 25th Virginia cavalry, the 62d Virginia infantry, mounted, and McClanahan's Battery of Horse Artillery.
216 Iverson, Alfred, Jr. N. Carolina Gen. T. J. Jackson Nov.   1, 1862. Nov.   1, 1862. June 10, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 5th, 12th, 20th and 23d North Carolina regiments, D. H. Hill's division, Jackson's corps, Army of Northern Virginia; in 1864, brigade composed of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 6th Georgia cavalry regiments, Martin's division, Wheeler's corps.
217 Jackman, Sidney D. Missouri Gen. G. O. Shelby Febr'y,  1865 Feb.   9, 1865  . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of his own regiment and those of Colonels Benj. F. Elliott and D. A. Williams—all Missouri troops.
218 Jackson, Alfred. E. Tennessee Gen. E. K. Smith Apl. 22, 1863. Febr'y,  1863. Apl. 22, 1863.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Assigned to the command of the 4th Military District of East Tennessee.
219 Jackson, Henry. R. Georgia Adjt. and Inspt. Gen. June  4, 1861. June  4, 1861. Aug. 29, 1863.  . . . . . 
Remarks: At first on duty in Western Virginia; resigned December 2, 1861, and subsequently reappointed September 21, 1863; brigade composed of the 1st Confederate, the 66th, 29th, 30th and 25th Georgia regiments and Major Shaaf's battalion; brigade in May, 1862, composed of the 3d Arkansas, 31st Virginia and 1st and 12th Georgia regiments and Hansborough's battalion.