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1752. Moehring. Avium Genera.
(In this ominous work, which, through an article by Poche in Zool. Anz. 1904, has recently caused so much quite unnecessary disturbance among nomenclatorists—cf. Hartert, Zool. Anz. 1904, p. 154, and Proc. IV. Int. Orn. Congress, pp. 276-283. The Dodo is mentioned under the name "Raphus.")
1763. L'Abbé de la Caille. Journal Historique du Voyage fait au Cap de Bonne-espérance.
(Some birds from Mauritius mentioned, but no descriptions.)
1773. Voyage a l'isle de France, à l'isle de Bourbon, au Cap de Bonne Espérance, etc. Avec des observations nouvelles sur la nature et sur les hommes. Par un officier du roi. Neuchatel 1773.
1775. A voyage to the island of Mauritius, etc. By a French Officer. (Translation of the above).
(Lettre IX, page 67, treats of the "Animals natural to the isle of France.")
1782. Sonnerat. Voyage aux iles orientales et à la Chine. Two volumes, 1782.
(In Volume II, on plate 101, opposite page 176, the extinct Alectroenas nitidissima is figured, under the name of "Pigeon hollandais.")
*1783 (?) Callam. Voyage Botany Bay.
(According to Gray Notornis alba is mentioned under the name of "White Gallinule.")
1786. Sparrmann. Museum Carlsonianum I.
(On pl. 23 Pomarea nigra Sparrm.)
1789. G. Dixon. Voyage round the World.
(On p. 357 is note and figure of the extinct Moho apicalis, under the name of the "Yellow-tufted Bee-eater.")
1789. Browne, Patrick. The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica.
1789. The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay, etc. London 1789.
(Among other interesting birds Notornis stanleyi is figured on the plate opposite p. 273.)
1790. J. White. Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales with sixty-five Plates of Nondescript Animals, Birds, Lizards, Serpents, etc. London MDCCXC.
(I have a copy with black and white, and another with coloured plates. Notornis alba.)
1804. Hermann. Observationes Zoolog.
(On page 125 the extinct Bourbon Palaeornis is described as Psittacus semirostris.)
1807. M. F. Péron. Voyage de découvertes aux terres australes, exécuté par ordre de Sa Majesté l'Empereur et Roi, etc., etc. 2 vols. 1807 and 1816 and Atlas.
(On p. 467 is described the Little Emu from Kangaroo Island, which I have named Dromaius peronii, in honour of its discoverer, François Péron. A memoir of this extraordinary and admirable man's short and brilliant life will be found in Vol. VI of the "Naturalist's Library," Edinburgh, 1843.)
1810. André Pierre Ledru. Voyage aux iles de Ténériffe, la Trinité, Saint-Thomas, Sainte-Croix et Porto-Ricco, exécuté par ordre du Gouvern. français, etc., etc. Two volumes, 1810.
(In Vol. II, page 39, are mentioned various birds as occurring on the Danish West-Indian Islands, which are not found there at present. "Un todier, nommé vulgairement perroquet de terre" and seven species of Humming-Birds!)
*1826. Bloxam. Voyage of the Blonde.
(See Phaeornis oahensis, Loxops coccinea rufa. Also interesting notes on other Sandwich-Islands Birds.)
1827. Pallas. Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat. II p. 305: Phalacrocorax perspicillatus, the now extinct Cormorant from Bering Island.