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1860. A. v. Pelzeln. Zur Ornithologie der Insel Norfolk.
In: Sitzungsberichte der Mathemat. Naturwiss. Cl. Akademie Wien Bd. XLI, No. 15, pp. 319-332. (Mit 1 Tafel.)
(Lengthy account of Nestor norfolcensis, from Bauer's Manuscript, Notornis alba, etc.)
1861. Alfred Newton. Abstract of Mr. Wolley's Researches in Iceland respecting the Gare-fowl.
In Ibis, 1861, pp. 374-399.
1862. W. J. Broderip. Notice of an Original Painting, including a figure of the Dodo.
In Trans. Zool. Soc. London IV, p. 197.
1862. William Preyer. Ueber Plautus impennis.
In Journ. f. Orn. 1862, pp. 110-124, 337-356.
1865. Alfred Newton. The Gare-fowl and its Historians.
In Natural Hist. Review XII (1865), pp. 467-488; id. in Encylcl. Britannica Ed. IX, Vol. III; id. Dict. Birds, p. 220-221.
1866. Owen. Psittacus mauritianus named, in Ibis p. 168; also mentioned in Trans. Zool. Soc. VI, p. 53, 1866.
:(See Lophopsittacus.)
1866-1873. Alph. Milne-Edwards. Recherches sur la Faune Ornithologique Eteinte des iles Mascareignes et de Madagascar. Paris 1866-1873.
(With 37 plates. This volume consists of reprints of the author's articles on the subject in French periodicals, though not a word of this is mentioned. To the plates originally issued with the articles, several new ones are added.)
1867. Alfred Newton. On a Picture supposed to represent the Didine Bird of the Island of Bourbon (Réunion).
In Trans. Zool. Soc. London VI, pp. 373-376. Plate 62.
1867. George Dawson Rowley. On the Egg of Aepyornis, the Colossal Bird of Madagascar.
In Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1867, pp. 892-895.
1868. Frauenfeld, George Ritter von. Neu aufgefundene Abbildung des Dronte und eines zweiten kurzflügligen Vogels, wahrscheinlich des poule rouge au bec de bécasse der Maskarenen, in der Privatbibliothek S.M. des verstorbenen Kaisers Franz. Wien 1868. Mit 4 Tafeln.
1868. Schlegel & Pollen. Mammifères et Oiseaux, in: Pollen et von Dam, Recherches sur la faune de Madagascar et de ses dépendances. Leyde 1868.
1868. Owen, on Moas in Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VI.
(Dinornis maximus established.)
*1868. H. C. Millies. Over eene nieuw ontdekte afbeelding van den Dodo.
In: Verhandelingen der Koningl. Akad. d. Wetenschappen, Deel XI, Amsterdam 1868.
1869. Owen. On the osteology of the Dodo.
In: Trans. Zool. Soc. London VI, 1869, p. 70.
1869. Elliot. New and heretofore unfig. sp. N. American Birds.
(In Vol. II, part 14, No. 3, the now extinct Carbo perspicillatus from Bering Island figured.)