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Page:Rothschild Extinct Birds.djvu/26

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1878. G. D. Rowley. Remarks on the Extinct Gigantic Birds of Madagascar and New Zealand.
In Ornith. Miscell. III, pp. 237-247, pls. CXII-CXV.
1879. Dole. List of Birds of the Hawaiian Islands. Corrected from the Hawaiian Almanack.
Reprint: Ibis 1881, p.
(Pennula millsi, Ciridops anna.)
1879. Owen, Richard. Memoirs on the Extinct Wingless Birds of New Zealand; with an Appendix on those of England, Australia, Newfoundland, Mauritius and Rodriguez.
(Memoirs on the Dinornithidae, their bones, eggs, integument and plumage, Notornis, Aptornis, Cnemiornis, Alca impennis, Didus and Pezophaps. With many wood-cuts and plates.)
(See also Owen's articles in Trans. Zool. Soc. London III, IV, VI, X, XI.)
1879. Günther and E. Newton, on Aphanapteryx leguati in Philosophical Transactions. Vol. 168, pp. 431-432, pl. XLIII.
1879. W. A. Forbes. On the systemat. position and scientific name of "Le Perroquet mascarin" of Brisson.
In Ibis 1879, p. 303.
1884. Wilhelm Blasius. Zur Geschichte von Alca impennis.
In Journ. f. Orn. 1884, pp. 58-176.
(The most accurate and complete list—till 1884—of specimens of Alca impennis.)
1885. A. B. Meyer. Notornis hochstetteri.
In: Zeitschr. ges. Orn. II, p. 45, pl. I.
1885. Symington Grieve. The Great Auk or Garefowl. Its History, Archaeology, and Remains. London 1885.
1897. Id.: Supplementary note on the Great Auk; in Trans. Edinburgh Field Nat. Soc. 1897, pp. 238-273.
1886. December. Julius von Haast. On Megalapteryx hectori, a new Gigantic Species of Apterygian Bird.
In Trans. Zool. Soc. London XII, p. 161, pl. XXX.
1887. Henry Seebohm. The Geographical Distribution of the family Charidriidae.
(Plates of Prosobonia leucoptera and Aechmorhynchus cancellata.)
1888. Buller. A History of the Birds of New Zealand.
In two volumes. Second Edition. (See 1873.)
1889. Sir Edward Newton. Presidential address.
In Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Natural. Society IV, pp. 540-547.
1889. A. de Quatrefages. Nouvelle Preuve de l'Extinction récente des Moas.
In: Le Naturaliste 1889, p. 117.
1889. F. C. Noll. Die Veränderung in der Vogelwelt im Laufe der Zeit.
In: Bericht über die Senckenberg. Naturf. Gesellsch. in Frankf.-a.-M. 1887-1888, pp. 77-142.
1890. Stejneger and Lucas. Contributions to the History of Pallas' Cormorant. With plates II-IV.
In Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. XII, pp. 83-94.
1890-99. Scott B. Wilson & Evans. Aves Hawaiienses: The Birds of the Sandwich Islands. With numerous plates.
1891. Richard Lydekker. Catalogue of the Fossil Birds in the British Museum. London 1891.
(Pages I-XXVII, 1-368. With 75 figures in the text.)