- 1878. G. D. Rowley. Remarks on the Extinct Gigantic Birds of Madagascar and New Zealand.
- In Ornith. Miscell. III, pp. 237-247, pls. CXII-CXV.
- 1879. Dole. List of Birds of the Hawaiian Islands. Corrected from the Hawaiian Almanack.
Reprint: Ibis 1881, p. - 241.
- (Pennula millsi, Ciridops anna.)
- 1879. Owen, Richard. Memoirs on the Extinct Wingless Birds of New Zealand; with an Appendix on those of England, Australia, Newfoundland, Mauritius and Rodriguez.
- (Memoirs on the Dinornithidae, their bones, eggs, integument and plumage, Notornis, Aptornis, Cnemiornis, Alca impennis, Didus and Pezophaps. With many wood-cuts and plates.)
- (See also Owen's articles in Trans. Zool. Soc. London III, IV, VI, X, XI.)
- 1879. Günther and E. Newton, on Aphanapteryx leguati in Philosophical Transactions. Vol. 168, pp. 431-432, pl. XLIII.
- 1879. W. A. Forbes. On the systemat. position and scientific name of "Le Perroquet mascarin" of Brisson.
- In Ibis 1879, p. 303.
- 1884. Wilhelm Blasius. Zur Geschichte von Alca impennis.
- In Journ. f. Orn. 1884, pp. 58-176.
- (The most accurate and complete list—till 1884—of specimens of Alca impennis.)
- 1885. A. B. Meyer. Notornis hochstetteri.
- In: Zeitschr. ges. Orn. II, p. 45, pl. I.
- 1885. Symington Grieve. The Great Auk or Garefowl. Its History, Archaeology, and Remains. London 1885.
- 1897. Id.: Supplementary note on the Great Auk; in Trans. Edinburgh Field Nat. Soc. 1897, pp. 238-273.
- 1886. December. Julius von Haast. On Megalapteryx hectori, a new Gigantic Species of Apterygian Bird.
- In Trans. Zool. Soc. London XII, p. 161, pl. XXX.
- 1887. Henry Seebohm. The Geographical Distribution of the family Charidriidae.
- (Plates of Prosobonia leucoptera and Aechmorhynchus cancellata.)
- 1888. Buller. A History of the Birds of New Zealand.
- In two volumes. Second Edition. (See 1873.)
- 1889. Sir Edward Newton. Presidential address.
- In Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Natural. Society IV, pp. 540-547.
- 1889. A. de Quatrefages. Nouvelle Preuve de l'Extinction récente des Moas.
- In: Le Naturaliste 1889, p. 117.
- 1889. F. C. Noll. Die Veränderung in der Vogelwelt im Laufe der Zeit.
- In: Bericht über die Senckenberg. Naturf. Gesellsch. in Frankf.-a.-M. 1887-1888, pp. 77-142.
- 1890. Stejneger and Lucas. Contributions to the History of Pallas' Cormorant. With plates II-IV.
- In Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. XII, pp. 83-94.
- 1890-99. Scott B. Wilson & Evans. Aves Hawaiienses: The Birds of the Sandwich Islands. With numerous plates.
- 1891. Richard Lydekker. Catalogue of the Fossil Birds in the British Museum. London 1891.
- (Pages I-XXVII, 1-368. With 75 figures in the text.)