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1895. Hamilton. On the Feathers of a small Moa.
In Trans. and Proc. N. Zealand Inst. XXVII, pp. 232-238.
*1895. C. W. Andrews. On Aepyornis bones, etc., in Geological Magazine 1895.
1896. Hutton. On a deposit of Moa-bones at Kapua.
In Trans. and Proc. N. Zealand Inst. XXVIII, p. 627. Id. On the Moa-bones from Enfield, t.c. p. 645.
1896. C. W. Andrews. On the Extinct Birds of the Chatham Islands.
In Novit Zoolog. III, p. 73-84 and 260-271.
(Diaphorapteryx hawkinsi, Palaeolimnas chathamensis, Nesolimnas dieffenbachii.)
1896. G. Hartlaub. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der ausgestorbenen Vögel der Neuzeit, sowie derjenigen, deren Fortbestehen bedroht erscheint.
In: Abhandl. d. Naturwiss. Vereins gn. Bremen XIV Band, 1 Heft.
(Also: Second edition of the same, printed as manuscript, with a few alterations and additions.)
(The most useful, comprehensive pamphlet on recently extinct birds.)
1897. Andrews. On some fossil remains of Carinate Birds from Central Madagascar.
In Ibis 1897, pp. 343-359, pls. VIII and IX.
1897. H. O. Forbes. On an apparently new, and supposed to be now extinct, species of Bird from the Mascarene Islands, provisionally referred to the genus Necropsar. With plate.
In Bull. Liverpool Museums, I, p. 34, pl. Sturn. I (Necropsar leguati).
1897. Forbes and Robinson. Note on Two Species of Pigeon, t.c. p. 35.
:(Hemiphaga spadicea.)
(On pl. I of the same vol. is figured Nestor norfolcensis. See p. 5.)
1900. W. Wolterstorff. Ausgestorbene Riesenvögel. Vortrag, gehalten im Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Magdeburg. Mit zwei Abbildungen. Stuttgart. Verlag von E. Nägele.
1900. A. Mertens. Die Moas im Naturwissenschaftl. Museum zu Magdeburg. Mit 2 Abbildungen.
In: Jahresbericht Naturwiss. Vereins zu Magdeburg für 1898-1900. (Pp. 1-24 in separate copy.)
1901. W. A. Bryan. Key to the Birds of the Hawaiian group.
1902. Walter Rothschild and Ernst Hartert. Further notes on the fauna of the Galápagos Islands.
In Nov. Zool. 1902, pp. 381-418; cf. also Nov. Zool. 1899, pp. 154, 163.
(Geospiza magnirostris and dentirostris.)
1902. H. W. Henshaw. Birds of the Hawaiian Islands, being a complete list of the Birds of the Hawaiian Possessions, with notes on their habits. Honolulu 1902.
1903. Graham Renshaw. The Black Emu.
In: Zoologist 1903, pp. 81-88.
1903. Wilhelm Blasius. Der Riesenalk, Alca impennis L. In the New Edition of Naumann called "Naumann, Naturgeschichte der Vögel Mitteleuropas" (sic), vol. XII, pp. 169-208, pls. 17, 17A-17D, 1903.
(Among others the most complete bibliography and very detailed descriptions.)
1903. Fleming, J. H. On the Passenger Pigeon.
In Auk 1903, p. 66.