Page:Round the Yule Log.djvu/251

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There was once a poor tenant who had many children, but very little food or clothes to give them; they were all pretty children, but the prettiest was the youngest daughter, who was so lovely that there was almost too much of her loveliness.

So one Thursday evening, late in the autumn, when there was terrible weather and it was dreadfully dark out of doors, and it rained and blew as well till the wall creaked, they were all sitting by the hearth busy with something or other. All at once some one knocked three times on the window-pane. The goodmanwent out to see what was the matter; when he came outside he saw a great big white bear.

"Good evening!" said the white bear.—"Good evening!" said the man.—"Will you give me your youngest daughter, and I will make you as rich as you now are poor," said the bear.—Yes; the man