Page:Round the Yule Log.djvu/51

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Matthias the Hunters Stories.

horizon, threw her unsteady light between the tops of the trees. As we passed the deserted mountain-dairy, we must have crossed the fresh track of a hare, because the hounds became rather uneasy in the couples.

  • ' Now it depends 'pon the strength of the couples,'* said Matthias,

who tried all he could to keep the dogs back, *' because it isn't as it should be about here ! " " I think you are right there, Matthias," I said ; " it isn't as it should be, because it isn't light enough for shooting ; else, were the moon clear of the trees yonder, we would soon make it all right, and the hounds would, as sure as I am here, treat you to the best music for a sportsman's ear." '* That may be," he continued, and he looked cautiously back at the dairy, "but they do say the huldre^ is hereabouts at this time." •* Ah, indeed, perhaps you have seen her yourself.^" " No, I have never seen her here," he said. " But where did you see her then, Matthias ? " I asked curiously ;

    • for I see you believe that there are such beings as fairies and

brownies." " Well, shouldn't I believe what there's written in the Scriptures }" he said. " Why, when the Lord banished the fallen angels, some of them went down below there, of course," and he pointed signifi- cantly downwards ; "but they who had not sinned overmuch, are up in the air, under the ground, or in the sea. Besides I have myself often heard them and seen them in the woods and glens about here."

  • ' You must tell me something about them," I asked ; '* we have

nothing else to do while we walk along." "If you care to listen to it, of course I shall tell you all I know," he answered, and commenced his story. "Well, the first time I came across the huldre, I was about eight or nine years old, and it was somewhere up on the main road between Bjerke and Mo. I had been on a message for my father, and was walking home along the road, when I saw a tall,

  • The Non^'Cgian Fairy of the Woods.