Page:Round the Yule Log.djvu/58

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Matthias the Hunters Stories.

hairy, like the ears of a dog, and the next moment I saw two eyes, red as fire, glaring at me out of the darkness. I thought it could not be anything else but a dog, so I gave it a kick and s^nt it flying into the barn below, where I heard it fall with a heavy thud. When I had foddered the horse, I went into the barn and took the handle of an old rake to chase the dog out with. I looked

and searched, but there was no dog or any trace of it, although there wasn't a hole big enough for a squirrel to escape through. I went up into the hay-loft, but there was no dog there either, but just as I was going out 1 fell, as if some one had struck the legs right from under me, and I rolled head over heels down the barn- bridge as I never had done before. When I got on my legs again.