Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/137

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Hans try to land his catch. He tugged on the line, which grew taut and threatened to snap.

"Play him a little, Hans," suggested Dick. And the line was let out cautiously. Then Hans commenced to reel in once more. Slowly but surely his catch came closer.

"What have you got, Hans, a maskalonge!"

"Maybe it's a whale!"

"Or a water snake!"

"Gracious, vos der vater snakes here?" questioned the German boy, turning slightly pale.

"Sure there are," answered Tom, readily. "Some of 'em are fifteen and twenty feet long."

"Dom, you vos choking."

"No, I'm not choking," answered Tom. "My breath is regular."

"You know vot I mean."

"Oh, pull in the catch!" cried Fred, impatiently.

"That's the talk!" added Sam. "Say, Hans, you've got something big that's sure."

Slowly but steadily the German youth reeled in, until his bait was within a few feet of the boat. Then from the water came something long and dark and slimy.

"It's a water snake!" yelled Tom.

"Oh my! safe me, somepoddy!" screamed Hans, and fell back in fright and came close to