Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/141

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"No, Dom, I dake a steak from dot Pluibusterduster," answered the German youth, with a grin.

Sam knew how to fry fish to perfection, and soon an appetizing odor filled the air. Fred made the coffee, and boiled some potatoes. They had brought along some fresh bread and cut slices from one of the loaves. They also had a few cookies, made by Mrs. Rover.

"Say, this is the best fish I ever tasted!" cried Dick, when they were eating.

"So I say!" added Fred. "Sam, if you don't mind, I'll take another piece."

"It's the fresh air that tunes up a fellow's appetite," remarked Tom. "Stay out a month and you'll want to eat like a horse."

"Nothing the matter with my appetite at any time," murmured Sam. "Oh, Hans, what's the matter?" he demanded, as he saw the German lad throw his head into the air.

"He's choking!" exclaimed Dick, leaping up in alarm.

"It—it vo—vos ch—chust a fi—fish pone!" gasped Hans. "He got in mine neck sidevays alretty!"

"Better be careful after this," cautioned Dick. "Here, swallow a piece of dry bread. That will