Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/153

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hold of the knife. He tried to draw the blade free but merely succeeded in raising the "cake" into the air.

"Hello, it sticketh closer than a brother!" exclaimed Tom. "Hans, did you put a porous plaster in that cake?"

"Not much I tidn't!" snapped the German lad. "Here, you gif me dot cake! I cut him ub for you, so quick like neffer vas!"

Very valiantly Hans took the "cake" and the knife and set to work. He had no more success than had Dick and Sam. Finally, in a rage, he lifted knife and "cake" on high and brought them down on a stone with a bang. The "cake" bounced back like a rubber ball and all but struck him in the face.

"Hello, Hans has been manufacturing a foot ball!" cried Tom.

"Vot's der madder mit dot ennahow!" roared the German youth. "I make him chust like mine mudder make him in der old country."

"Hans, did you make the coffee cake with glue?" asked Dick.

"I ton't know how I make him!" groaned poor Hans. "I got me all mixed up, mit eferybody aronnd me! Say, can't you vos got dot knife owid somehow?" he questioned anxiously.

"I'll try a new way," said Dick, and placed the