Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/156

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"I guess I am a fair-weather camper," observed Fred. "I don't like this a bit."

"Oh, let's have a song!" cried Tom. "And then each fellow can tell a story."

"And then we can play a little music," added Sam. He had brought along a mouth harmonica, and Hans had a jews-harp.

Sunday evening it began to clear, and by midnight the stars were shining brightly.

"The weather will be all right by tomorrow," said Dick, who had been out to look around.

"But the woods will be wet," grumbled Fred.

"Never mind, let us go out in the boat. I'd like to explore the creek running in from the other shore."

"That will suit me, Dick. Maybe we can get an extra lot of nice fish over there."

All of the boys slept soundly and it was nearly eight o'clock when they commenced to get breakfast, and it was almost ten before they were ready to start in the sailboat for the other shore of the lake.

"Hello, here comes a boat!" exclaimed Dick, as he looked down Lake Nasco.

"Two men in it," added Tom. "They seem to be in a hurry, too, by the way the fellow at the oars is rowing."

"Why, it's Jack Ness in the back of the boat!"