Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/16

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taken a part in this story will need no special introduction. But for the benefit of others who have not read the former volumes in this "Rover Boys Series," let me state that Dick, Tom and Sam Rover were three brothers, who, when at home, lived with their father, Anderson Rover, and their Uncle Randolph and Aunt Martha, on a beautiful farm called Valley Brook.

From the farm, and while their father was in Africa, the three boys had been sent to a military academy, as related in the first volume of this series, called "The Rover Boys at School" At the school they made a large number of friends, and also a few enemies, and had "the best time ever," as Sam expressed it.

A term at school was followed by a trip on the ocean, as set down in the second volume of this series, and then by a journey to Africa, where the boys went to locate their father, who had become a captive of the natives. After that came a trip out West, to locate a mine belonging to the Rovers, and then trips to the Great Lakes, and to the motintains, and then, returning to the school, the lads went into camp with the other cadets.

"I guess we had better settle down now," said Dick. But this was not to be. Not much later they took a long trip on land and sea, and fol-