Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/169

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Dick brought the automobile out, and in all of the lads piled and Aleck Pop lifted in the dresssuit cases and Hans' bundle. The power was turned on, and off the touring car moved.

"Good-bye!" was the cry from the boys.

"Don't forget to let us know what is happening?" called out Randolph Rover. "And if you need me, don't hesitate to send for me."

Dick turned on more gasolene and advanced the spark, and soon the big touring car was shooting along the country road at a speed of twenty-five miles an hour. They had plenty of time to make the train, but the Rovers were impatient to get to Oak Run, to send a message to their parent, advising him of their coming.

Through the village of Dexter's Corners they dashed, around a corner, and then straight for the bridge spanning Swift River. A farm wagon was making for the bridge from the opposite shore, and there was not room for both vehicles to pass on the bridge.

"Better slow up and wait, Dick!" cautioned Sam, but instead, Dick turned on more power, and away they sailed over the bridge like the wind, and past the farm wagon.

"Phew! that's going some!" cried Fred. "I don't know as I would have nerve to run a car like that!"