Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/173

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At the Axtell House a surprise awaited them. Seated in the reading room they found Dan Baxter, the one-time bully of Putnam Hall, but who had reformed and who was now a commercial traveler for a large jewelry concern.

"Why, Dan, you here!" cried Dick, as Baxter, on seeing them, rushed up to shake hands.

"I am," returned the young commercial traveler. "But I didn't think to have the pleasure of seeing you," he added. "Thought you'd be off on a summer vacation somewhere."

"We were off camping, but we came this way on business," answered Sam. "How have you been?"

"First-rate. Don't I look it?" and Dan Baxter smiled openly.

"You certainly do," put in Tom. "Traveling must agree with you."

"It does."

"And business is good?" asked Dick.

"The best ever. And what is more to the point, I've had a raise in salary."

"You mean the one you mentioned when you met us at Ashton," said Tom.

"No, another one. You see, a rival firm made me an offer. My firm heard of it, and they at once came to me, and told me I mustn't think of leaving—and then they tacked another five dol-