Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/189

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"Have you seen anything lately of Josiah Crabtree." questioned Dick.

"No, but mamma got a long letter from him, in which he said he loved her more than ever and that she had better make up her mind to marry him. The letter was so sickening mamma tore it up and put it in the stove."

"Dora, I hate to alarm you more, but I think Crabtree had something to do with getting your mother to cross the lake."

"What makes you say that, Dick?" she de manded, with a new fear coming into her face.

"I'll tell you," he answered, and then related the particulars of the meeting with Dan Baxter. When he concluded her face was very pale and her hands icy cold.

"Oh, Dick, would that—that monster carry her off and—and force mamma to marry him!" she moaned.

"I can't answer that, Dora. But you'll remember what a strange influence Crabtree used to exercise over her."

"Yes! yes! But mamma was sickly then and her mind was weak. Now she is much stronger."

"I think Crabtree is something of a hypnotist and mesmerist, and there is no telling what such a rascal will do when he sets out for it. He wants that fortune just as much as Sobber wants it. I