Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/205

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"How far is it?"

"About thirty-five miles."

"Then you can make it in an hour."

"Yes, if——" And Spud closed one eye suggestively.

"If what."

"If they don't arrest us for speeding. It's against the law to run fast, you know."

"Oh, well, we'll have to take a chance," declared Tom. "It's a case of necessity."

As soon as they were outside of the city limits, Spud turned on the gasolene and advanced the spark, until the touring car was making forty and then forty-five miles per hour. On they tore, through Westboro and other places, and then on towards Wellesley.

"Look out, here, that you don't run down any college girls!" warned Dick, as they came in sight of Wellesley College.

"Oh, I wouldn't run down any girls for the world!" answered Spud, as he slowed down a bit. Soon the main street of Wellesley was left behind and on they sped for Newton and the Hub.

"Hi! hi!" came a sudden call from the road way, and a policeman appeared, waving his hand frantically.

"Sorry, but we can't stop to talk!" flung back Spud, and in a minute the officer of the law be-