Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/207

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The Rover boys looked at each other inquiringly. They wanted to go on, but did not know what to do about the stalled automobile.

"You go ahead/* said Spud, reading their thoughts. "I'll fix the tire, or have it done by some garage man, and I'll see you later."

"Where?" asked Dick.

"I'll go to the Parker House—that is where my uncle always goes," answered Spud.

"Very well—we'll call for you or send a message," said Tom. "Come on, here is a trolley!" And he ran to stop the car. Soon he and his brothers were on board and bound for the heart of the city.

"Say, do you know any street in town that begins with Carm?" questioned Dick, of the car conductor.

"Carm?" repeated the man, slowly. "No, I don't. I don't believe there is such a street."