Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/209

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crooked affair about half a mile away. They boarded another street car to visit the neighborhood.

"Look who is here!" ejaculated Tom, as he and his brothers sat down.

"Well, I never!" cried Sam.

"Jerry Koswell and Bart Larkspur!" murmured Dick.

It was indeed the two former students of Brill—the lads who had run away after causing the Rovers and some others so much trouble. Both were loudly dressed in summer outing flannels, and each carried an unlighted cigarette in his hand.

"Huh!" grunted Jerry Koswell, as he glared at the Rovers. "Where did you come from?"

"Perhaps we might ask the same question," returned Dick, coldly.

This meeting was not at all to his taste, especially when he and his brothers wished to turn their whole attention to locating Mrs. Stanhope and her enemies.

"Have you been following us?" demanded Bart Larkspur.

"No, Larkspur, we have something of more importance to do," answered Tom.

"Huh! you needn't get gay, Rover!"

"I'll get gay if I wish," retorted Tom, sharply.