Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/224

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Mrs. Stanhope's initials embroidered in the cor ner.

"That is proof positive that she was here," he thought grimly.

In one of the fireplaces he came across some half-burnt letters. He looked them over with care and caught the post-mark, Portland, Me.

On one slip he read the following:

easy from Portla

the schooner Mary Del
as we arrive, I will have

if not then Slay's Island, where

"Humph! this may prove of value," murmured Dick to himself, and placed the bit of letter in his pocket. Then he hunted around the rooms again, but nothing more came to light.

"Will Mrs. Sobber come back?" asked the old man, when Dick went below.

"I doubt it, sir."

"She must be an awful woman, if what you say is true."

"She is a criminal, Mr. Mason, and so is that Tad Sobber. I would advise you to have nothing more to do with them."

"I must have a housekeeper," whined the old man.

"Then hire somebody you are sure is honest,"