Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/230

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"We'll follow that route just as fast as our steam will permit. But let me give you a tip. Perhaps it will be better for you to merely follow 'em to Portland, and have them locked up when they reach that place. If you tackle 'em on the high seas they may show fight and get the best of you."

"I'll think that over," answered Dick, slowly. "But meanwhile crowd on all steam and get after them. Never mind using up your coal—we'll pay for it."

The docks were soon left behind, and the black smoke pouring from the funnel told how the fire man was doing his best to make steam. But it was now late, and it would soon become a problem, as to whether it would be advisable to run so fast during the night. They might pass the schooner without knowing it.

"I'll leave the matter to you, Captain Wells," said Dick, after talking the matter over with his brothers. "I'll pay you your regular price for chartering the tug, and one hundred dollars additional if we succeed in rescuing Mrs. Stanhope."

"I'll do my level best for you, Mr. Rover," re sponded the captain. "I'll talk to my crew." And he did, promising each man an extra five dollars if they succeeded in doing what the Rovers de-