Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/234

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'em, some of 'em quite small and others very large."

At last they started to go ashore. They ran up to a dock where the tug was in the habit of landing when at Portland, and the boys walked to the gangplank that was put out for them.

"Look! look!" cried Tom, suddenly, and pointed to a motor boat lying alongside the steam tug.

"Well, I never!" gasped Sam.

The motor boat was a craft of fair size, and very gaudily painted, in red, blue and yellow. It was piled high with suit-cases, bundles and fishing outfits. At the wheel was a tall young man, smoking a cigarette—a stranger to the Rovers. In the bow, also smoking, were two other young men, Jerry Koswell and Bart Larkspur.