Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/247

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that old building? The lobster catchers used to use that. And see that rock? There is where the old John Spurr struck, in a storm one winter."

"Well, I don't want to strike anything," said Captain Wells, and ordered the engineer to reduce speed. Then, with great caution, they approached what had once been a good dock, but one which was now practically in ruins.

"Hello, there's a motor boat!" cried Sam, as they came closer. Then all looked and saw that a gaudily-painted motor boat was tied up on one side of the old dock.

"Say, that looks like the motor boat Koswell, Larkspur and that stranger had!" ejaculated Dick.

"It is the same!" shouted Tom. "There is the name, Magnet. Now what do you think of that!"

"What do I think?" said Dick. "I think they must be here."

"With Sobber and the others?"

"I don't know about that. I didn't think they knew Sobber."

As the steam tug drew up on the other side of the delapidated dock, those on board saw three persons rush from the old building nearby. They, were Koswell, Larkspur and the fellow who had been running the motor boat.

"Say, I won't have this!" roared Koswell. "You get out of here, and be quick about it!"