Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/254

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At the top of the ridge, however, he found the view somewhat disappointing. There were other ridges, and several thickets of pines and hemlocks, and at one point what looked to be a cliff with some caves beneath.

"It will take some time to explore this island," said he, as he came down. "I don't wonder that the smugglers used to use it. It's got a number of dandy hiding places."

"How in the world did the Sobber crowd learn of it?" asked Sam.

"I think I can answer that," said Tom "Josiah Crabtree once taught in a Portland school and he used to put in his summers on an island in this bay. More than likely, in cruising around, he heard of this island, and when he plotted to abduct Mrs. Stanhope he made up his mind it would be just the spot to bring her to."

"All providing she is here," added Sam. "We haven't proved that yet."

They moved on, and passed another ridge of rocks. Then they came to a well-defined trail, running from one end of the island to the other.

"Let us follow this," said Dick. If there are any buildings near the centre of the island they'll likely be on this road."

"Here is a spring!" exclaimed Sam, a minute