Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/258

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"I say, you on the rocks! Come down here and let us talk to you!" shouted Jerry Koswell.

"Who are you. What do you want?" asked a voice that was strange to the Rovers.

"We want to know what you are doing on this island?" demanded another person, Alfred Darkingham.

"What business is it of yours?"

"What business?" shouted Darkingham, wrathfully. "A good deal of my business. This island belongs to my uncle and you have no right here."

"Oh, is that so!" exclaimed the stranger. "I didn't know that this island belonged to anybody in particular."

"Well, it does. Who are you anyway?"

"Oh, my name is of no account, since we are not acquainted," answered the stranger. "If this is your island, I suppose the only thing for me to do is to get off of it."