Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/278

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"Say, we can't afford to waste time in talk!" interrupted Tad Sobber. "I reckon the best thing we can do with this fellow is to make him join his brothers."

"And then—" went on Crabtree, and finished in a whisper which Dick did not catch.

A few minutes later Dick was led back into the cavern towards the pool into which his brothers had fallen, Sobber carried a torch, that threw a flickering light throughout the dismal underground opening.

"Help! help!" came faintly from the bottom of the pool, and looking down those on the rocks high above saw Sam and Tom standing there, in water up to their knees.

"Hello!" cried Dick. "Are you all right?"

"We would be, if we could get out," answered Tom.

"Hello! It's the Sobber crowd, with Dick!" murmured Sam.

"I don't think they are going to aid us," returned Tom.

A few words passed between Sobber, Crabtree and Pally, and then while two of the evildoers held Dick the third cut his bonds.

"Now, then, you can join your brothers!" cried Sobber, and gave Dick a shove that sent him head-