Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/290

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"Too late!" groaned Dick. "Oh, why didn't we get here a minute sooner!"

"Stop, you rascals!" sang out Captain Wells. "Stop, or I'll fire!" and he raised his pistol.

"Don't shoot! You might hit Mrs. Stanhope!" whispered Dick.

"I only want to scare 'em," muttered the captain of the steam tug.

The motor boat gathered headway rapidly, and soon was out of range of the pistol. The Rovers saw that the craft contained Tad Sobber, Jim Pally, Josiah Crabtree and Mrs. Stanhope and another woman, probably Mrs. Sobber.

"Wonder what has become of Koswell, Larkspur and that Darkingham," said Sam.

"I don't know, and I don't care, just now!" returned Dick. "Captain, we must follow that boat without delay. If they get out of our sight we