Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/292

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off their guard Tom drew back and hit Koswell a blow in the nose that sent him staggering back against the rocks and made the blood spurt freely. Sam, seeing this, also struck out, reaching Larkspur's left eye, and putting that optic in deep mourning. Larkspur fell back on Darkingham, and for the moment there was great confusion.

"Skip! We don't want to be delayed!" cried Tom, to his brother, and on they went again, before their enemies had time to recover.

Inside of five minutes they came in sight of the steam tug. Those aboard were on the watch for the return of Captain Wells, and the engineer had a full head of steam up, to use in case of emergency.

"Quick!" cried Tom, as he and Sam rushed on board. "Captain Wells and my brother want you on the other side of the island at once!"

"We'll get there as quick as the propeller can take us," said the mate, and the engineer nodded to show that he understood. The tug backed away from the island, and in a moment more was on the way to the old dock.

"Say we gave Koswell and Larkspur something to remember us by," remarked Sam, grimly.

"So we did," answered Tom, with a grin, "Wish it had been ten times as much!"