Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/298

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Captain Wells. "It was a close shave! We had to reverse like lightning."

"It was well done, sir," answered Sam.

"Couldn't have been better," came from Tom. "But, say, aren't we going after those rascals? Remember, even though we have rescued Mrs. Stanhope, they still have the fortune!"

"Sure, we are going after 'em!" cried Dick. "Go ahead!"

The order to proceed was given, but, much to the captain's chagrin, the tug refused to get up any speed. Then came a report from the engineer that the sudden reversing of the engine had broken some of the machinery. They could run, but it would have to be slowly.

"Then they'll get away after all!" groaned Sam. "And with that fortune, too!"

"Fortune?" came from Mrs. Stanhope, who was standing near the boiler, trying to dry her wet garments. "What about the fortune, boys?"

"Haven't they got that fortune with them?" questioned Tom, quickly.

"Oh, no, they buried it, in the cave on the Island," was the answer. "They didn't know I saw them, but I did. Tad Sobber and Mr. Crabtree said they would come back, after—after—" And here she blushed deeply.