Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/41

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soon, Dora. You'll have to stay with her this summer."

"Yes, we and the Lanings are going to stay altogether."

"I wish we were going off on another trip together, Dora," said Dick, in a lower voice. "Wasn't our trip to Treasure Isle great?"

"Perfectly lovely—in spite of the troubles we had," answered the girl.

"That's the kind of a trip I am going to take again—when we go off on our honeymoon, Dora."

"Oh, Dick!" And Dora flushed prettily. "How can you say such things, and in a crowd! Somebody may hear you!"

"Oh, I only want you to know——" began Dick, but just then Tom and Sam brushed up with Nellie and Grace, so the sentence was not finished. Dora gave him a meaning look and he held her arm considerably tighter than was neces sary.

"Well, the picnic is off, and they are going to tow the steamer back," explained Tom.

"And the young ladies are to be taken back to the seminary in the college carryall and carriages," added Sam.

"What a shame!" murmured Tom innocently.