Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/59

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Doctor Wallington, as he gazed at the fireworks.

"Didn't you know about them, Doctor?" questioned Alkn Charter.

"No. It must be the work of some students."

"I'm going to see who is doing it!" cried Stanley, and ran for the woods, followed by a score of others.

When the crowd arrived they found Dick, Tom and Sam in the act of setting off more rockets and Roman candles.

"Say, you sure surprised us!" cried Stanley.

"It's out of sight!" murmured Spud.

"Huh! I am sorry," murmured Tom. "I thought it was very much in sight."

"Oh, you know what I mean, Tom. It's bang-up."

"It sure is that!" cried Sam, as one of the rockets exploded with a loud report.

"Here are some packages of red lights," said Tom. "I want every fellow here to take one and light it. Then we'll form a procession and march around the buildings."

"That's the talk!" cried Stanley. "Say, if we only had a band!"

"I'll go and git my drum," cried Max, who chanced to own one.

"And I'll get my bugle," added a student who possessed such an instrument.