Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/74

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won't hold the train for me—so I want you to do it."

"Me? I ain't got nuthin' to do with the rail road."

"I know that. But you can hold the train, nevertheless. The train will stop just below this crossing—it always does. When it is about ready to start you drive on the track—and then your horse balks, see? You try to start him but he won't start You fuss and pull, but the horse don't budge until those young ladies are on the train."

"By gum! I'll do it!" exclaimed the fat farmer, with a twinkle in his eyes. "This hoss is jest the one to balk, too."

"I can depend on you?"

"You kin, Mr. Rover."

"Thank you a thousand times!" returned Dick; and then he went off to rejoin his brothers and Grace.

The train had already rolled in and passengers were getting off and on, and the agent was loading on the trunks and handbags.

"Oh, if they would only hurry!" cried Grace.

"You can get aboard," said Dick. "This train won't leave just yet."

"But it is going to go before they get here," declared Sam. "It's a shame! Two minutes more