Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/96

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that afternoon. "I'd like to invite the Lanings and the Stanhopes down here to spend the Fourth of July. We might have a sort of house party."

"Great!" shouted Sam. "Just the thing—if they'll come."

"Let us sound dad and Uncle Randolph and Aunt Martha on the subject," added Dick.

The matter was talked over, and the boys readily secured permission to have their friends at the farm for the best part of a week. The invitations were issued immediately, for the national holiday was but ten days off.

"I know what I'd like to do, after they are gone," said Dick "I'd like to take our tent and go camping up the river for a week or two, just for the novelty of it We could fish and swim, and take it easy, and have lots of sport."

"Suits me down to the ground," answered Tom. "We'll do it—unless something better turns up."

"I was going to suggest an automobile tour," said Sam. "Uncle Randolph has the new car and it is certainly a dandy."

"Well, maybe we can take the tour, too," answered Dick. "The summer vacation will be pretty long."

"We could run up to Cedarville," said Tom.

"Sure—right to the Lanings' home," added Dick, giving Tom a poke in the ribs.