Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/116

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I didn't," answered the other. "But I felt so sick, and I——"

"Oh, I know you, Moss. For two pins I'd break your head for you!" And then came the sounds of several blows in quick succession.

"It's Flapp!" cried Sam. "He is beating somebody most shamefully."

"It's little Harry Moss," returned Tom, leaping to the front. "The big bully! Why can't he take a fellow of his own size?"

He rushed around the corner of the boathouse and there beheld a scene that aroused his warmest indignation. Harry Moss was crowded into a corner and over him stood Lew Flapp, beating him with a heavy boat chain.

Flapp had just raised the chain for another blow when Tom ran in and caught his arm.

"Stop!" he cried. "You let Harry Moss alone!"

Startled at the interruption Lew Flapp turned. When he saw both Tom and Sam his face fell.

"What do you want here?" he asked sulkily.

"I want you to leave Harry Moss alone," answered Tom.

"Oh, Rover, please make him stop," pleaded Harry. "He's trying to kill me!"

"No, I ain't," retorted Flapp. "I'm only giving him a whipping that he deserves."