Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/126

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"I—I don't want to go home," said the big boy. His father was a rough man and he knew that if his parent heard of this trouble he would make him pay dearly for it.

"I expect my pupils to be young gentlemen," went on Captain Putnam. "This is an academy for the better class of boys only. Bad boys do not come here, but are sent to the reformatory. If I give you another chance will you promise to do better in the future?"

"Yes, sir."

"Very well then, I will give you one more chance. I believe you are somewhat behind in your arithmetic. During the next four days you will remain in during all off time and apply yourself to such examples as your teacher gives you."

"Yes, sir."

"Now you can go, and remember, I want to hear of no further fighting, and no further molesting of Harry Moss."

"I'll remember, sir," answered Lew Flapp meekly, and then left the office and ran up to his dormitory, to bathe his nose and put witch-hazel on his hurts. Although outwardly humble he was in reality burning with rage.

"I'll have to be careful in the future," he told himself, with clenched fists. "But I'll get square—oh, I'll get square!"