Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/128

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sending the news home, and received word back that not only their father, but also Uncle Randolph and Aunt Martha, were much pleased with the result.

"Now we'll feel as if we deserve an outing," said Tom, and Sam and Dick agreed with him.

It was on the following morning that Captain Putnam made an announcement that filled all of the cadets with interest.

"You are all anxious, I know, to learn where the annual encampment is to be held," said he, during general assembly. "I am pleased to be able to announce that I have arranged to hold it at Pine Island., a fine bit of ground, located close to the south shore of Bass Lake. The lake is situated about thirty-five miles from here, and we will make a two-days' march to the spot, stopping on the road over night, in true soldier style, weather permitting."

"Hurrah!" burst out half a dozen cadets.

"Three cheers for Captain Putnam!" called out Tom, and they were given with a will.

"I am told that the lake is an excellent one for fishing and for bathing, and I have already engaged six boats which the cadets will be allowed to use from time to time."

Again there was a cheer and with it a loud clapping of hands.