Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/146

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was still in the lead, but Jackson was close behind him, with Larry Colby third and Dick fourth.

"Go it, Tom, you are sure to win!" shouted one of his friends.

"Don't know about that," Tom returned pantingly. "Guess I started too hard!" And soon he began to drop behind.

"Jackson is ahead!" was the next cry.

"Major Colby is a close second!"

"That is true, but Dick Rover is crawling up!"

So the cries went on until the big rock that was the turning point was gained.

Jackson touched the rock first, several seconds before either Larry or Dick came up. It certainly looked as if Lew Flapp's crony had a good chance of winning.

"Told you he would win," said Flapp to Powell.

"The race isn't over yet," answered Songbird briefly.

"Humph! Do you think Dick Rover can catch Jackson when he is five yards behind?"

"Not quite as much as that, Flapp, and he is gradually crawling up."

"He won't make it, I tell you."

"Perhaps he will."

"I'll bet you five to one that he won't," insisted the big boy.