Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/185

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"Those girls will be hurt!" said Dick, running forward.

"Can't we do something?" asked Sam.

"We can try," said Tom. "Get a rock, or something," and he picked up a sharp stone which lay handy. Sam did likewise.

By this time the twins were almost upon the boys.

"Chase the bull away!" panted Helen, who was ready to drop from exhaustion.

"Yes! yes!" gasped Alice. "Please don't let him touch us!"

"Jump the fence!" said Dick. "Quick, I'll help you over!"

He caught each girl by the hand and turned to ward the low stone fence. At the same time Tom and Sam let fly the two sharp stones. One took the bull in the nose and the other struck the creature in the eye.

With a snort the animal came to a halt and viewtd the boys curiously. He had evidently not expected the attack, and the wound in the eye httrt not a little. Tom and Sam lost no time in providing themselves with more stones.

By this time Dick was at the wall and in ananother moment he had assisted the girls over. Both had lost their hats and also dropped the market basket filled with things from the store.