Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/233

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him a quick shove that sent the tall boy flat on his face.

"I'll teach you to step on my foot, Lew Flapp!" he cried hotly.

"What's the trouble?" demanded several, while Mr. Strong came forward to investigate.

"Lew Flapp stepped on my right foot, and he did it just as hard as he could," said Dick.

"I—I didn't," growled Flapp.

"I say you did—and what is more, I think you did it on purpose."

"He did it to lame you, so you couldn!t jump against Pender," came from Tom.

"Flapp, did you step on Rover's foot on pur pose? " demanded George Strong.

"No, sir—didn't step on it at all."

"It is very strange. Rover says you did."

"He is mistaken."

"I am not mistaken. That is why I shoved him away, Mr. Strong."

"Is your foot hurt?"

"I don't think it is. But it didn't do it any good to have it stepped on."

"Probably not. Do you still wish to jump?"

"Yes, sir. If I don't, some of the crowd will say I am afraid," said Dick.

"In the future, Flapp, be more careful," said George Strong significantly.