Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/46

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"Your letter read like a fairy tale. If you tell the fellows they'll think you are drawing the long bow."

"Yes, Larry vos told me somedings apoud dot," broke in Hans. "You vos regular Robinson Roosters," he said.

"Great Scott! Robinson Roosters!" yelled Tom, bursting out into a fit of laughter. "Boys, we are discovered at last."

"Well, if you are, you needn't crow over it," came from Larry.

"Roosters and crowing! Oh, Larry, I didn't think you'd begin to pun so early," put in Sam.

"He just hatched it out," said Tom.

"I suppose you think that sounds chic," joined in Dick. And then there was a laugh in which all but Hans Mueller joined. The German youth looked blankly from one to another of his companions.

"Vos dot Robinson Rooster a choke?" he demanded. "Of it vos let me in by it kvick."

"Oh, you couldn't climb in on a gangway and a step-ladder combined," answered Tom.

"Put vos you Robinson Roosters or vos you not Robinson Roosters?"

"Oh, we were Robinson Roosters right enough," answered Tom, when he could control his laughter.